Friday, January 7, 2011

A Classical Education Run Amok

"By the way... I'm coming to visit you this summer if it kills me. Though hopefully it won't come to that as I wouldn't be much fun dead." - E.

"Yeeeeeessssss. And you shall not surely die. Even though that was totally the wrong person to quote." - B.

"Quoting Satan? That's horrible. What do they teach you at this school?" - S.

"I know, I know... I should know better. That's 'a classical education run amok' probably." - B.

Really, It's Not You, It's Me.

From the Archive:

“It’s 9:50 and I haven’t gotten anything done.” - K.

“It’s me.” - E.

“No it’s not.” - K.

“Yes. It’s me.” - E.

“Well, if it is, I like you here. I listened to a sermon on community today and it said to surround yourself with people, whether you like them or not.” – K.

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“Si pecuniosa issem, non corpus meum venderem.” - K.

“Well, you don’t want to make it sound like you are a prostitute....” – A.B.